This could be my shortest blog ever but I think it's giving me an idea for another if I just find the time to do all of the things that I dream up..:-)
I've been implementing websites in Drupal & CiviCRM these days including this one and everyone always asks me Drupal what?
Annalee's blog
What is Drupal?
My All-Time Favorite Software Program and Secret Weapon
I've been using a personal information manager or PIM program called Time & Chaos for about 15 years. I discovered it while I was working at NYU Medical Center and convinced them to buy it for the office long before Outlook was available.
What I Love Most About My Palm Pre
I've had the Palm Pre for about 6 months now and I'm still pretty much lovin' it so I thought I'd update my impressions. I admit, there are a few things that are first generation annoyances but that's what I get for being on the bleeding-edge of technology and I accept that.
On to the love.
1. The keyboard. It's not the greatest but I'll take a real keyboard over a virtual one any day of the week and I can so...out-text my iPhone-wielding friends...:-)
If Your System is Dysfunctional, Look in the Mirror First!
I recently got back from a trip out to Tucson to visit family and as I was talking with my brother about what I do for a living, he said, "Huh...organizations hire you to fix their system problems but you actually give them management and re-organization consulting along with the systems help." (BTW, my brother, is a programmer.)
New Year's Resolutions - Back to Blogging's been months now since I've blogged and even though I have spent many months trying to excite and incite my nonprofit clients to blog, twitter and facebook with abandon, I have not taken my own advice lately so I'm writing now to tell you that I am making my first New Year's resolution to get back in the game.