Annalee's blog

CiviCRM Membership Renewal Reminder Solution

This is a link to a CiviCRM forum post which outlines the custom hack designed for a client to automate 7 renewal reminder emails on a Drupal/CiviCRM site.  Hope you find it useful.,6176.msg98034.html#msg98034

How To
Really Geeky

Announcement of CiviCRM Blog

Just a quick note to check out my new blog on  Have been blogging about a recent conversion from Blackbaud/Kintera to Drupal/CiviCRM solution.
More to follow at:

Cool Stuff
How To

Advice for a New Consultant or Small Business Owner Setting Up Shop

I recently answered a posting on LinkedIn from a colleague who was just starting her consulting business and had some questions about how to keep track of everything.  These are just little systems and steps I set up for myself a long time ago in order to help my single person shop manage everything. 

Best Practices
How To

A Manager's Tale: How Our Role Models Need to Change

I have been fortunate in my career to have had excellent managers as well as unfortunate to have had extremely poor managers but I learn from every experience and today I want to share some of my most rewarding stories as a manager.

Best Practices
Daily Update

Fear and Why We Do The Things We Do

I've been thinking, reading and talking a lot lately.  It's part of my process to get unstuck.  And in that process, I tend to look back on past clients, projects, jobs, life altering moments, etc.  I wonder why I find myself these days living in a Groundhog Day moment, watching nonprofits repeat the mistakes of the past instead of learning from them.  It makes me wonder...H

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