Alot of my work involves going into the fundraising department of a nonprofit and assessing and investigating why the Development staff cannot get the information they need to fundraise more effectively. Many times I am brought in to assess the "database" or "software product" and most times, the problem is not in the software but in the "peopleware" of an organization. In fact, I would say that 9 times out of 10, when the organization thinks it's a software problem it's a people problem.
A Fundraising Database is Like a Community Garden
My Introduction to the Power of Facebook
This past Friday, June 12th, The Greater New York Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Fund Raising Day in New York (FRDNY) with keynote speaker Peter G. Peterson. As one the Program Co-Vice Chairs (along with my fellow chairs Nancy Carmichael & Amy Leveen), I am proud to say that our track chairs worked like fiends to put on a fabulous program despite an incredibly tough year for fundraising, conferences, clients, consultants and vendors alike.
My First Week with the Palm Pre
Let me preface this mini-review by saying that I have been a loyal Palm & Sprint user for the past 10-15 years or so, however, I also own a 32GB iPod Touch, an iMac and a Macbook so I am an equal opportunity technology enthusiast.
It's now been a little over a week with my new Palm Pre and for the most part I like it very much and even found myself trying to use their hand gestures on my iPod Touch the other night. Mind you, I also tried to use iPod gestures on my Palm Centro when I first got it so there is always a period of adjustment.
How to Sync Time & Chaos with the Palm Pre via Exchange & ChaosHost
So I bit the bullet this weekend and bought the new Palm Pre without knowing first if I would be able to sync my beloved PIM program, Time & Chaos, which has all of my contacts, to do items and appointments for the past 15 years or so.
A Little Video Experiment
So this week I decided to experiment with the new Flip Mino HD, iMovie '09 and You Tube. This is a clip of singer-songwriter, Kate Jacobs, and her band (James MacMillan - upright bass, Dave Schramm - guitar and Paul Moschella - percussion) singing one of her original tunes called "55 Dollar Hotel." I wanted to see how "easy" it was to shoot a little video, edit i